
Music studies consist of weekly private lessons, ensemble lessons and music theory lessons. The application period for studies beginning in autumn is 3 May – 22 May, and in spring is 3 November – 5 December. The application period starts at 9 am.

About the studies

Places are filled in order of registration. Vocalists will be called in for a small audition and they will be notified about the time by email.

New students will be notified about their acceptance by email. In the event that we are not able to offer a place from the beginning of the autumn term, we will notify the applicant by email. Those applicants will also be automatically added to the waiting list and we will contact them whenever there are cancellations.

On acceptance, the student will receive a confirmation letter notifying of the place and time of the music lessons. The teacher will come meet the student in the school lobby or near the caretaker’s booth before the first lesson.

Please note that it is recommendable to consult your teacher before purchasing an instrument.

You may apply by sending the application form. Below is the link to the application,  Press the button below to start your application process.

Term fees

Music institute

Elementary level soloist subject

30 min per week, private instruction 300 €
45 min per week, private instruction 360 €

Music institute level soloist subject

60 min per week, private instruction 360 €

Music play school

30-45 min lessons 115 €
rhythm group 135 €

Group instruction

Ukulele group 200 €
Childrens choir Ainova   95 €

Music studies consist of weekly private lessons, ensemble lessons and music theory lessons.

Open division

Studying at open division is mainly for adults.

Avo 1

Autumn term 17 weeks of instruction
Spring term 18 weeks of instruction

30 min per week, private instruction 570 €
45 min per week, private instruction 850 €
Music technology 125 €

Avo 2

Autumn term 12 weeks of instruction
Spring term 12 weeks of instruction

30 min per week, private instruction 395 €
45 min per week, private instruction 590 €

Price is not included group lessons.

Other fees

Sign-up fee new student 15 €
Instrument rent 50-100 €
Payment request fee  5 €

Additional information

About term fees

Due dates for term fees: autumn term 31 August and spring term 31 January.

Playing in string orchestras and rhythm music bands, theoretical studies in music theory, studies in music technology and singing in the choir are considered group instruction. Studies in these subjects are included in the term fee for students of elementary and music institute level soloist subjects.

Lessons in soloist subjects are given as private instruction. In addition to face-to-face lessons, online lessons can be arranged as required.

If a student should terminate the studies during the term, the term fee is nonetheless charged for the full term. However, if the termination is due to an illness, moving out of town or another similar cause, the student can apply for a discount from the headmaster.

Avonia Music Institute has a collection agreement with Intrum Justitia.

Electronic invoicing

Avonia Music Institute uses electronic invoicing. Please make sure your provided email address is valid. Invoices for under-aged students will be emailed to their guardian and in all other cases directly to the students themselves.

The email containing the invoice will have the following identification details:

Subject: Lasku Musiikkiopisto Avonia

A reminder letter will be sent by post for overdue invoices and a 5€ reminder fee among with penalty interest rate will be added.

Inquiries:, 010 420 1082