Music Playschool
Early childhood music education contributes significantly to your childs motor and cognitive skills. Children are familiarized with basic elements of music (rhythm, melody, harmony, form, dynamics, and timbre) using a holistic approach to teaching and education. Children are grouped by age and the various phases of musical and general development are taken into account. Children experience the joy of music in early childhood music education classes through singing, playing, nursery rhymes, movement, and listening.
Kindergarten groups
Avonia Music Institute organizes early childhood music education classes with local kindergartens and daycare centers. We offer classes in Hösmärinpuisto, Nupuri and Ymmersta kindergartens, and at Honey Monsters English language immersion kindergartens in Olari and Tuomarila. The classes are integrated into regular kindergarten schedule and do not appear separate from daily instruction and activities. Teaching is carried out in a group setting and is designed for children aged between 3 and 5 that participate in daycare at their respective kindergartens. Preschool aged children can apply for kantele groups or rhythmics groups. These classes are given in Hösmärinpuisto, Nupuri and Ymmersta kindergartens. Rhythmics gets children acquainted with different instruments and further develops their understanding of skills and concepts learned in early childhood music education classes. The curriculum is based on the cooperative agreement outlined by city of Espoo early education committee regarding early childhood music education in kindergartens and daycare.
Applying for studies and study fees
Early childhood music education
115 €
Preschool group
135 €
Families exempt from day care fees can apply for exemption from the above fees by August 31st. Please present a written decision from the city of Espoo regarding daycare fees to the office at the Avonia music institute. Fee-exempt status is only granted for one academic year at a time.
Due dates for our invoices per semesters are 15th of September and 15th of February.